Because locum tenens physicians are in a role where they are only responsible for their own work rather than overseeing a practice, taking a locums assignment can offer the best parts of patient care minus the headaches of managerial and practice ownership duties.
What locum tenens is:
- An opportunity to focus exclusively on treating patients.
What locum tenens isn’t:
- Worrying about insurance claims, overseeing office staff or work bureaucracy.
Physicians entered the medical field to care for patients. Locum tenens work is a direct path back to that noble initial priority. And even now, in an age of shortened appointment times and stacks of paperwork, compassionate patient-centric physicians can still pursue quality patient interactions that create a sense of trust and partnership. It can be as simple as a shift in perspective, or as liberating as a change of venue.
Click here to read how you could be amazed by the location of your locums assignment in a positive and unexpected way.
Options: Short-Term Locums Work
Practice options for physicians encompass a variety of environments, performance standards and challenges. The preferred practice game-changer: Locum tenens assignments. With its temporary work structure and exposure to different settings, locums life can guide you to discover the ideal career choice.
Practice (Type) Makes Perfect
Good physicians are always in high demand. But being able to practice anywhere in the U.S. doesn’t necessarily mean that all places provide the same opportunities. Locum tenens work offers an insider’s glimpse of different settings and a chance to experience being somewhere you might not have previously considered — and all without making a long-term commitment. However, according to the National Organization of Locum Tenens (NALTO), working as a locum tenens physician also requires some patience, good organization skills and the ability to adapt to different environments.

Take the Guesswork Out of Your Career
Your locums assignments can expose you to different day-to-day working realities and lifestyle perks. Matching personal capabilities and preferred methods of practicing with work volume is one vital consideration. Higher volume environments offer continuous variety. Lower volume settings allocate more time for patient interactions, treatments and education. Your locums assignments can pull back the curtain on what really brings out the best in you.
Interested in exploring what it would be like to live in a certain area? Locums assignments do allow you to cherry pick opportunities in the location of your choice.
“Your locums assignments can pull back the curtain on what really brings out the best in you.”
Is it a waste of time to interview in a place where you aren’t keen on living? You might be surprised by an opportunity and a location that turn out to be a perfect fit despite never considering either.
In a perfect world, everyone would get the chance to sample a variety of work environments, geographical locations and lifestyle options before making any long-term commitments. While that may not be an option for many, for locum tenens providers it is an efficient feature of an in-demand temporary staffing solution that shows no signs of waning.
When it comes to building experience and making solid professional choices, locums work is the physician’s try-before-you-buy cure for a healthcare career.